The R&D Center for Innovative Drugs focuses on eight therapeutic fields, such as self-immunity system, respiration, skin and ophthalmology. takes "endogenous+exogenous" as its main business development model around the direction of frontier development of bio-innovative drugs, and deeply explores and selects high-quality projects of innovative drugs from a global perspective. It has established a pharmacological technology platform and a drug analysis and research platform, and established a new drug screening and design platform based on artificial intelligence AI jointly with Nankai University. It has started seven innovative drug researches, one of which has been declared for production.

The Pharmaceutical Chemicals R&D Center has set up two domesticsub-centers and one overseas sub-center, which complement each other and havethe R&D capabilities in line with international standards. The research ofpharmaceutical chemicals involves 16 categories in the field of treatment,covering systemic anti-infection, cardiovascular system, endocrine metabolismand so on.
Five technical platforms have been successfully built up-covering rawmaterials, solid preparations, aseptic preparations, external preparations andinhalation preparations. In the short term, we will focus on new products ofhormones and amino acids, consistency evaluation of drugs in short supply,innovation of drugs for external use and quality improvement. In the mid-longterm, we will focus on the launching of respiratory administration and high-endproducts for ophthalmology. We have obtained 381 drug approvals and 70 APIapprovals.
It has obtained a number ofqualifications and honors, including the first batch of national enterprisetechnology centers, municipal enterprise technology center twice, includingTianjin Key Laboratory of Micropowder for Inhalation, Tianjin Key Laboratory ofPharmaceutical Process Control and Green Technology Enterprise, enterprise keylaboratory for three times, and national intellectual property demonstrationenterprise for one time, etc.. It has won the second prize of nationalscientific and technological progress twice, its project "KeyBiotechnology of Steroid Drugs and Its Industrial Application" won thespecial prize of Tianjin Scientific and Technological Progress, and its processsafety and control laboratory obtained CNAS certification.
It has initiated more than200 new product and new process projects, completed 134 research projects, andobtained more than 60 approvals for production and more than 20 approvals forclinical application.
At present, it is carryingout the more than 90 R&D projects on generic drugs and consistencyevaluation, covering oral solid, external use, injection, nasal spray, eyedrops and other dosage forms.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine onehealth R&D Center adopts themode of new drug research and secondary development in parallel, andcomplementary and coordinated development of drugs and health care products.
The TCM research involves 14 treatment fields, covering cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,respiration, spleen and stomach, etc. At present, it owns 599 approvals fordrugs, of which 122 are for exclusively produced drugs and 254 are for drugscovered by medical insurance.
It has won a number of qualifications and honors, including nationalenterprise technology center once, academician workstation once, provincialenterprise key laboratory once, municipal enterprise technology center for fivetimes, enterprise postdoctoral workstation, and nationally recognized (CNAS)testing laboratory etc..
It has undertaken more than40 nationwide and Tianjin-level scientific research projects, and its project" Innovation and Research on Core Technology System for SecondaryDevelopment of Proprietary Chinese Medicine and its Industrialization" wonthe first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.
Its project "Theoryand Key Technology of Innovative Research and Development of TraditionalChinese Medicine Based On' Substance-pharmacokinetics-efficacy' and Its Application"won more than ten awards such as the second prize of National Science andTechnology Progress Award and Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award. Atpresent, it is working on six projects for new drug research, more than 120projects for secondary development, involving Category I, Category II, andCategory III new TCM drugs (with ancient classic prescriptions), self-madepreparations, evidence-based medicine research, action mechanism research andtechnical improvement, etc., carrying out the research and development ofproducts in the field of big health in various ways, and accelerating itslayout of health products such as functional foods and medical beauty products.
Medical Device R&D Center
The Medical Device R&D Center runs in a multi-field collaborativedevelopment model of medical treatment equipment, in-vitro diagnostic medicaldevices, in-vitro diagnostic reagents and disinfection products, involvingmultiple treatment fields such as ophthalmology, skin, urology, pediatrics,cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and infectious diseases.
Several medical devices have full independent intellectual propertyrights, replacing the imported devices.
It has 77 domesticmedical device certificates and 69 international medical device certificates,and obtained CE certification and FDA permission.
Relying on the microfluidicimmunofluorescence technology and colloidal gold immunochromatography for vitrodiagnostic reagents, it successfully created a "one body and twowings" development platform composing of grassroots POCT+ accuratePOCT+MI-POCT system.It has won a number ofqualification honors, for example, a second prize of national scientific andtechnological progress, and second and third prizes of Tianjin scientific andtechnological progress with its ophthalmic ultrasonic diagnostic instrument;
It has undertaken 863 national projects. The disinfection products have passedCE certification, ISO9001/13485 certification, FDA registration and SA8000certification.